Copy Chief


Leandro Langeani, BBA

aka "The Kopy King"


Leandro Langeani, BBA is Content Mavericks Copy Chief. He copy edits and fact checks all the articles on the Content Mavericks website based on his 13 years of copywriting and editorial experience.


  • Playing guitar
  • Travelling
  • Beer


  • Okra
  • Cold showers
  • Rush hour

Who is Leandro Langeani?

In 2010, Leandro graduated from university in Sao Paulo, Brazil with a major in marketing. After helping a handful of local Brazilian companies grow their business, he went on to specialize in copywriting with his love for words and online marketing.

After honing his copywriting skills, Leandro worked for AdSkills selling online advertising courses to their email list for over one year. At AdSkills he helped the company reach over $5 million in sales for a successful sale and exit by the owners.

Now Leandro uses his copywriting experience to manage the Content Mavericks blog. He edits and fact checks all new articles. And keeps all the content you read on this site up-to-date.

Professional Qualifications & Awards

Favorite Movie

Interstellar — epic sci-fi movie set in the year 2067 with catastrophic famine

Favorite Restaurant

Olivah — thirst-quenching craft beers

Favorite Software

ActiveCampaign — for turning lists into sales

Biggest Achievement

Having a beautiful daughter

Dream Life

Travel the world
