"It's made our team rethink how we're doing things."
- James Schramko, 7-figure business coach
Do Content Mavericks Methods Work?

This page contains a compilation of video and social media reviews from over 100 Content Mavericks clients, customers, and fans sharing their honest feedback and results.
If you want to use our content marketing methods to grow your
business, choose a product to get started.
"We were able to get it to 100,000 visitors in just 6 months."
Austin Mullins (Founder at Conversion Media)
"That post generated $15,000 in net new revenue, and we did that in 14 days."
Grant Horejsi (Partner at OutboundView and world's best pickleball player)
"We managed to get monthly recurring revenue of just over $1,000... from one article."
Pete Boyle (Founder of Growth Models and copywriting nerd)
"I was able to land two high paying clients at $5,800 each."
Shane Melanson (Commercial real estate coach and father of 3 daughters)
"10 days later it's already got me a $6,000 client."
Mohammed Ali (London's top marketing consultant)
"Just got a client offering to pay me $3,500/mo ($42k/yr) from one blog post."
Mike Gianullis (Copywriting Expert at OnlyOneMike.com)
"We're converting cold traffic on blog posts at 14-15%."
Ed Leake (Founder of AdEvolver and world's best naked fire walker)
"We tripled organic traffic... with less content."
Tyler Basu (Founder of Influence & Scale, ex-Thinkific content manager)
"I've personally seen Chris double Sumo's traffic from 100k to 200k per month."
Aryo Shokohiazar (Software engineer at Calendly and content marketing nerd)
"Chris reads our articles and gives feedback, usually within a day, which is amazing!"
Lesley Sim (Founder of Newsletter Glue and pizza lover)
"I landed an 8-figure business as a client! I've gotten a near 10x ROI on the course."
Stefanos Bournias (Freelance Content Writer)
"I got a 10x ROI... the leads are coming in fully educated on what I do."
Cliff Coehlo (Founder of Storydriven Video)
"This guy's not normal."
Noah Kagan (Founder of $100M AppSumo.com)
"3 new deals in the pipeline which 1 has closed ($15k)."

Grant Horejsi (OutboundView)
"After taking your course... content is our #1 acquisition channel."

Savvas Zortikis (Viral Loops)
"$3,500/month coaching client. Plus he's gonna become an affiliate."

Mike Giannulis (Copywriting From Scratch)
"Took about 3-4 weeks to see some good results from it."

Pete Boyle (Conversion Copywriter)
"I implemented your 5 day email sequence and we got a $12K client."

Matt Kohn (Different Hunger Media)
"The best thing a lazy marketer, like me, can find on the internet."

Haris Valjevac (Mostly Sunny Store)
"Your core theories are literally worth endless ยฃ's."

Sonny Soomal (Internet Mogul)
"I'm a Content Mavericks student and head of digital at ClickBank... list size of 2MM."

Dave Huffman (ClickBank)
"After grabbing your course I proposed a new strategy to a client... and I raised my fee."

Tyler Basu (Influence & Scale)
"If you are sick of courses and getting burned by blatant cash grabs... join CM."

Tracy Green (Author, Renegade Rulebook)
"Awesome first day... I normally get 4k views... up to 8k already and 260 emails."

Carnivore Aurelius (6-figure blogger at Carnivore Aurelius)
"I have clients who've gone from 66k traffic to 780k traffic in two months."

Rodolfo Sabino (SEO Specialist)
"Your feedback is of amazing value and worth the course "cost" already."

Pedro Martins (Marketing Agency Owner)
"I'm making sure my team read your blog posts."

James Schramko (SuperFastBusiness)
"I have personally seen their results first hand."

Justin Brooke (AdSkills)
"You have def gone above and beyond with this offer."

Michael Shreeve (Peaceful Profits)
"A bunch of people told me I should be talking to you."

Ryan Levesque (The ASK Method)
"I'm part of the talent team at Shopify... we came across your blog post... we liked it."

Katherine Ste Marie (Shopify)
"It's made the rounds within the (HubSpot) team. Nice work (again)."

Dharmesh Shah (HubSpot)
"The content stuff you're doing is not normal."

Nathan Latka (The Top Entrepreneurs Podcast)
"I applied your content promo strategies and it got me 1.4k upvotes on Reddit."

Louis Vieira (Ecommerce Paid Ads Expert)
"Starting to rank a lot higher on the blog posts in the strategy with 0 link building."

Tom Stanford (Saint Belford)
"Your site is a rabbit hole I've enjoyed getting stuck in."

Matt Wolfe (The Hustle and Flowchart Podcast)
"THIS is how you tell a story โ a business story (gasp)."

Aaron Orendorff (Common Thread Collective)
"Chris Von Wilpert is one of the kings of turning cold traffic into warm traffic."

David Frey (Author, The Small Business Marketing Bible)
"I used the content upgrade and increased number of leads by 15%."

Maikon Schiessl (Growth Team)
"No wonder ballers like Justin Brooke and Noah Kagan gush."

John Farrell (BizStoke)
"The pre-eminent deep tactical resource to reverse engineer company growth."

Alex McClafferty (WP Curve, acquired by GoDaddy)
"Your (strategy) is more effective and clear. All eyeballs belong to you."

David Klein (Tallbox)
"Sharing knowledge like this is one of the reasons your on the list of my favorite bands."

Justin Blackman (Pretty Fly Copywriting)
"I learned more in that hour than in all the hours days weeks I've spent reading."

Mark Williams (Entrepreneur)
"This FREE article is on par with many of the courses people are trying to sell."

Charles Henry (C.H. Local Media)
"Love the killer content. This is a small way to say thanks."

John Jamie (Platform9 Systems)
"This post might break the internet for growth marketing."

Tony Ubertaccio (Making It In Asheville Podcast)
"Your strategy to get me here (+ content) was masterful."

Jeremy Boudinet (Nextiva)
"I didn't know content marketing could be this powerful."

Lenny Johnson (B2B Content Lab)
"You're the best. I haven't enjoyed an AppSumo seminar in 5 years."

Kolleen Shallcross (Shallcross Marketing & Design)
"Most interesting for me - Eugene Schwartz's "Five Levels of Awareness."

Niklฤvs (Entrepreneur)
"You always pass the Gary Halbert test on your shares... your stuff always pulls me in."

Jonathan Wilson (October Marketing)
"The post is blowing our stats out of the water."

Gail Axelrod (Drift)
"As of 3:45pm today, I have 19 new orders and 610 visits from the article."

Lindsay McCormick (Bite Toothpaste Bits)
"You essentially gave me a framework to help organize and systemize my thinking."

James Deer (GatherContent)
"I always trash unsolicited email. I opened yours and had my shorts blown off."

Scott Burr (Innovation Scientific)
"Your content techniques are fresh and original."

Ankur Tiwari (Thoughtlytics)
"I'm extremely happy I "found you" on the web... you're a great guide."

Reinoud van Waveren Hogervorst (Stormbits)
"Big fan, love your methods... like the creative "lead magnets"... killer work."

Ari Sherbill (Atera)
"Siri: cancel my Pornhub subscription. I'll use it to join Content Mavericks."

Abass Sahrawi (B2B Content Strategist)
"I love how you turned an ebook giveaway into a multi part experience."

Ovidiu Puscas (Emmix)
"I read your AppSumo ebook. Best ebook I ever read."

Juxhin Radhima (IPERVOX)
"Loved your AppSumo ebook so much I built a Shopify store + made $8,873 in 1 mo."

Tim Kock (Ecommerce Entrepreneur)
"A treat and rarity to be gifted so much valuable info w/out the usual bullshit."

Alex Wild (Entrepreneur)
"Love your posts... my go-to place to get great actionable ideas."

Tom Mcloughlin (SEO Travel)
"Your article is insanely helpful."

Deep Arorra (Invanto)
"I was blown away by Chris Von Wilpert's interview... about content marketing."

Raheem Sarcar (RewardCamp)
"500 views in one day - my website is completely new."

Dejan Gajsek (Circuit Stream)
"I think you just might be the best content marketer on the internet."

Daniel Doan (Conversion Copywriter)
"I'm always looking forward to your emails."

Michael Mirsky (Behind the Markets)
"We used your teardown to totally rebuild how we did onboarding emails."

Len Markidan (Podia)
"No one talks about content promotion like you do."

Ivan Kreimer (Content Marketing Consultant)
"No idea how you learned what you are teaching. It's next 10 levels stuff."

Matt Fisher (Instant Clients)
"It's so unusual to get any busy professional to respond to an auto-email... you did it."

Rachana Mishra (Interview Mocha)
"You've done it again."

Kristy Foss (Canva)
"There aren't enough people teaching what to do with a blog beyond "write more."

Amy Cocke (South Carolina Department of Health)
"The value you put out is like a practical MBA marketing course."

Abhik Shome (Brand Bridge Solutions)
"I took a site from 800-1,000 visits at most... now it gets 12,000 visits each month."

Luis Congdon (Thriving Launch)
"You're a wizard. You gave me ideas to execute to get my Dream 100."

Lovro Magdalenic (Profits Clinic)
"Siri: best example for marketing genius? Chris Von Wilpert."

Niel Reichl (BottBott Industries)
"I read your post... set up remarketing... and it worked."

Helga Zabalkanskaya (Newoldstamp)
"You're like a walking Wikipedia. No lie."

Franco Colomba (Hylux)
"I'm halfway through the Content Mavericks course. It's really detailed."

Shane Fielder (Samurai Innovation)
"Your stuff is what I use EVERY time as a reference on how to write."

Shareef Grizzle (Bindrop)
"Mind blowing bro!"

Aazar Ali Shad (Userpilot)
"I'm trying to get off the content treadmill... doing it following your style."

Reuben Swartz (Sales for Nerds)
"This cracked me up a lot! Nice way of getting me to read the email."

Matt Wallace (CharlieHR)
"My favorite part is how you leverage content... when most people are strictly about ads."

Alex Horvath (Jule Vera)
"You've helped me tremendously in my career."

Jon Park (MarketMan)
"I love your stuff and wouldn't mind paying for it."

Abdul Qadir (51Blocks)
"He's the best content marketer I know."

Nabeel Azeez (Dropkick Copy)
"Love your article on 'How I Made $100,000 From One Blog Post'."

Attawee Jaroenwattanawinyoo (iProspect Thailand)
"I follow a lot of people when it comes to content/SEO. Yours = most engaging."

Aiden Chong (Malaysian Property Expert)
"Follow him, and you will become a better marketer."

Rustin Nethercott (GRIT)
"I was telling my colleague about your lead magnets.... IMO very persuasive stuff."

Michal Leszczynski (Campaign Monitor)
"I just overheard someone in the kitchen say "I just read this really interesting article."

James Mackay (We Promote)
"This has to be the best connection request I've received."

Gabriel Ehrlich (Remotion Digital)
"May I quote you in future articles as a great example on how to connect on LinkedIn."

Iulia Cristina Uศฤ (Brand Minds Europe)
"Big fan of your posting on FB atm. Clearly know your stuff."

Ben Bradbury (Viral Content Creator)
"I won't lie. I was inspired by the way you did it."

Alexis Martial (Optimy)
"I liked your work so much... I bought your Content Mavericks program."

Vanja Radeljic (Ooredoo)
"Your presentation was awesome! I love the Red Packet Partnership ideas."

Maridel Reyes (Email Copywriter)
"Recently read your Black Rhinos book... can't thank you enough for it."

Andy Iskandar (Web Profits Lab)
"You're the only person I have post notifications on."

Nick Jordan (Content Distribution Expert)
"This is probably the best connection message I've ever gotten."

Stephanie Balocchi (IMPACT)
"Your stuff helps businesses and busy entrepreneurs make money."

John Clancy (Freelance Copywriter & Content Writer)
"The amount of VALUE you deliver is mind-blowing."

Boris Karesin (Pure AdWords)
"Kelvin Parker turned me onto your LI feed. Wow! I'm gonna tune in, tap in, turn on."

Tia Dobi (Conversational Copywriter)
"Just read 'How I Made $100,000 From One Blog Post' and it's mind-blowing."

Corina Manea (Digital Marketer)
"Randomly found your article 'How I Made $100,000 From One Blog Post' - awesome."

Steve DeLong (RealtyKick)
"Don't follow him... let me hog all these strategies for myself."

Brandyn Morelli (Tilt Metrics)
"I've never done this before to a fellow marketers email, but yours aren't just fluff."

Craig Griffiths (SearchUp)
"I see you everywhere these days... for good reasons."

SK Tawhidur Rahman (Content Amplify)
"Really enjoying your blog posts... I can't thank you enough."

Ben Dewar (Strength Conditioning & Nutrition Coach)
"His content will blow your mind."

Jared Kimball (International Cruise & Excursions, Inc)
"Freaking awesome what you're doing."

Robert Allen (Click Here Agency)
"Really cool to see you build from nothing... showing this works w/ no brand name."

Dan Lacey (New Zealand SEO Consultant)
"Thanks for showing us marketers how high the bar is."

Osman Sheikh (Virtru)
"SERIOUSLY - you are killing it... plan to implement your strategy this Monday."

Matteo Gasparello (Strategico)
"The first thing I read when I wake up. It inspires me to think soo much bigger."

David Zysblat (Clasiq)
"This was a breath of fresh air to read."

Sam Thomas Davies (Sleeknote)
"Black Rhinos... best thing I've read this year."

Zachary Maley (Wynn Resorts)
"One of the best email sequences I read till date and I read thousands of them."

Narendra Mandadapu (SAP Concur)
"Get Von Wilpert to school you on a content strategy that works (without SEO)."

Jonathan Drake (How To Move The Needle)
"Not feasible to go the GaryVee route... going to go your way with a few pieces."

Patrick Epler (North Star Digital)
"Long term content assets... really cool way to look at it."

Rusydi Arsyraf (Success Resources)
"Thanks for the great share!"

Mark Jung (Dooly)
"One of the best ongoing email stories I've ever read."

Jacob McMillen (Copywriter & Content Strategist)
"I've read it like 50 times since seeing it last week!"

Molly Mahoney (The Prepared Performer)
"Just subscribed to your list after coming across an ad - awesome stuff!"

Gianluca Piovani (Storyforma)
"Your content funnel was more like a bottomless value-adding rabbit hole."

Stephen Zhao (Copywriting.com)
"Been using your strategy and tactics for most of my content over the past year."

Hans Dekker (Leadaro)
"One of the most captivating and thrilling business stories I've ever read."

Andrew Uliฤnรฝ (La Brise de parfums)
"You are making everything more simpler, clearer and easier."

Jagan Krishnan (Copywriter)
"I laughed so hard nearly spat the coffee on the cat."

David Watts (Evolved Search)
"I've been following internet marketers for over a decade. Your approach is different."

Mark Blomeley (Direct Response Marketing Expert)
"Hilarious and educational."

Jay Greenham (Freelance Marketer)
"You're always doing amazing work."

Sam Mollaei (Mollaei Law)
"You are one of 2 guys I actually still listen to."

Kristian Cotta (Local 480)
"You're like a god to me... you opened up a whole new world for me. Thank you!"

Alexandra Borbely (Scale Fanatics)
"I love your case study... in fact I read it every Mon, Wed and Sun at 6pm."

Thinh Tran (Presenter BV)
"When I heard your interview, I thought, this is exactly what I need! It's just brilliant!"

Sandra Le (Roamwide)
"Shared your program with a group of freelance writers... it could help them a lot."

Audra Carpenter (zindo+co)
"Been around a long time and your stuff is the freshest thing I've seen in a while."

Seth Ellsworth (Breakthrough Challenge)
"Your system is mad."

Michael Tesoriero (Johnson & Johnson)
"Within an hour I was running an ad based on Tip #8 and made a $297 sale overnight."

Mark Thompson (The Lifestyle Marketer)
"I love how you break stuff down from end to end."

Anthony Sills (Professional Pen Copywriting)
"I changed how we create and promote content. We now see good leads come in."

Mike Wagaba (Humanlytics)
"This course delivered and was exactly what I needed."

Andrew Holland (Zoogly Media)
"Your insight and take on things is refreshing and unique."

Andrew Jones (Route.com)
"Clicked a FB ad... 2 hours later I've got 8 pages of handwritten notes."

Jess Rohloff (SEO Strategist)
"I love this... never work for a client so big you can't afford to lose them."

Kat Tepelyan (Epic Brand Media)
"I say this as I would to a friend... you got me you bastard!"

Lewis Chaney (Get To The Damn Point)
"We listened to this podcast and it changed how we wrote articles."

Matt Paff (Value Adders)
"Your approach is exactly how I would do things (nonstandard but strategic)."

Nik Oakes (Literally Yours Content Creation Agency)
"That's the first million dollar proposal I've seen for digital marketing."

Peter Lloyd-Lister (Growthfuze)
"Your work is like a coal mine... everything is useful and of worth."

Rajesh Mathur (Agile Delivery Consultant)
"I've scaled our SaaS from 0 to 9k in 3 months... a lot of it was inspired by your content."

Ognjen Boskovic (ContentDistribution.com)
"Got my first response asking for pricing for our services... this lead has 20 locations."

Chad DeBolt (Surchability)
"The level in this group is so high, I'm learning so much."

Cliff Coelho (Storydriven.video)
"Thanks for the client. That paid for your program in 1 job."

Eran Malloch (More Customers 24/7)
"People are sharing it via social, newsletters, forums, links are being built..."

James Deer (GatherContent)
"Thank you... it's so easy to take action with the way you help and care."

Omezikam Ugwa (Ecommerce Copywriter)
"You have a new claim to add to your testimonials 'keeping passion women up all night.'"

Nik Oakes (Literally Yours Content Creation Agency)
"We haven't added popups, etc... Current stats are 1060 views / 76 signups."

Phil Morse (Digital DJ Tips)
"You are one of the best emailers in the business."

Sol Anwar (Tarius A/S)
"The way the content is structured is simply remarkable."

Rucha Bane (Marketing Lasagne)
"Underpriced... over-delivered. I just paid ยฃ30 to have it printed."

Andrew Holland (Zoology)
"Chris' course is worth it... it pays for itself in days, not weeks or months."

Carol Forden (Freelance Healthcare Writer)
"The quality of the content inside for just $4.99 is absolutely incredible."

Chris Burston (Affiliate Blogger)
"This book is very useful and feels like $5 well spent."

Jude Bentley (Eating Expertise)
"I love it... I can see how it will help me and I'm no marketer."

Kevin Shaw (Caresquared)
"Got 3 new leads this week. I FINALLY feel like I can generate clients on demand."

Mihael Cacic (21 Writers)
"I'm using everything in the book for our company's content marketing."

Martin Messier (Xceede Solutions)
"It's brilliant. I appreciate the work and clarity."

Aaron Hendon (Christine & Company)
"I have a step-by-step plan to put into place."

Brent Price (Streetsmart Marketing)
"Right now he's tracking around $30k per month."

Brian Pisor (Marketing Consultant)
"I really align with your methodology for content and value!"

Jeremy Ethier (Built with Science)
"Really enjoy the way you think."

Perry Belcher (DigitalMarketer)