What is DALL-E? How to Use It to Create AI Images

by Chris Von Wilpert, BBusMan • Last updated November 17, 2023

Expert Verified by Leandro Langeani, BBA

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What is DALL-E?

Have you ever imagined a world where robots can create stunning artwork, design funky furniture, or even invent wild creatures that look like they've jumped straight out of a sci-fi movie? Well, welcome to the realm of DALL-E! This creative genius is an AI-powered Picasso developed by OpenAI. It's got the magic touch to transform simple text descriptions into mind-blowing visuals. So if you're looking for some unique art pieces or just want to be amazed at what technology can do these days, then it's time to dive into the fantastical universe of DALL-E!

DALL-E fast facts

  • DALL-E is available for free to early adopters and ChatGPT Plus users.

  • You own the images you create with DALL-E, giving you the freedom to use them commercially.

  • The capacity to create images with DALL-E is credit-based, with varying limits depending on your account type or subscription.

  • Your choice between DALL-E and other AI art generators should be based on specific needs for accuracy versus artistic quality.

  • DALL-E prioritizes user safety and ethical content generation, but it's the users’ responsibility to use the tool within these guidelines.

Can I use DALL-E for free?

The availability of DALL-E for free is a bit of a mixed bag. OpenAI frequently updates its models and offerings, so something that's free today might become paid tomorrow or vice versa. However, there are some ways to access DALL-E without spending any money.

For instance, if you're a ChatGPT Plus user, you can enjoy the benefits of using DALL-E for free as part of your subscription. Additionally, early adopters who signed up before April 6th, 2023 receive monthly replenishing "free credits" which allow them to generate images through text prompts or make edit requests within labs.openai.com platform. These credits expire one month after they're granted but refill every month based on the date you joined.

In conclusion, while it may not be universally available for everyone at no cost all the time due to changing policies and model updates by OpenAI — yes! There are certain scenarios where users can take advantage of this powerful AI image generator without shelling out any cash. Just remember that these opportunities might change over time as new algorithms and features roll out in future iterations.

Futuristic cityscape at dusk showcasing flying cars and holographic advertisements. Image generated via DALL-E.

How many images can I create with DALL-E?

The number of images you can create with DALL-E depends on the access level and credits available to you. If you have access to DALL-E through OpenAI's API or labs.openai.com, your image generation capacity will be determined by the number of credits allocated to your account.

For users with free or paid credits, each credit typically allows for one image request — generating an image from a text prompt, making an edit request, or requesting new image variations. The actual number of images generated per credit may vary depending on specific terms and conditions set by OpenAI.

If you have a ChatGPT Plus subscription, the only limit is that you can only generate two or fewer images per prompt. Keep in mind that usage limits might apply based on subscription plans or promotional offers. As long as you have sufficient credits remaining within those limits, there is no strict cap on how many images you can create using DALL-E.

How many DALL-E credits do you get for free?

Free DALL-E credits are subject to OpenAI's promotions and offers. Early adopters who signed up before April 6, 2023, benefit from a specific number of monthly replenishing free credits. The exact quantity may change based on OpenAI's policies, sitting at around 15 free credits per month right now.

To make the most of DALL-E's image generation capabilities without spending money, it is essential to stay informed about updates from OpenAI regarding their credit system and promotional offers. For ChatGPT Plus users, they enjoy free unlimited access as part of their subscription plan.

While there isn't a fixed number of universally available free DALL-E credits for all users due to varying promotions and model updates by OpenAI, certain scenarios and developer features might come with gratis allowances for accessing DALL-E.

How much does DALL-E cost?

At labs.openai.com, you can access DALL-E through a credit-based system that allows you to generate images or make edit requests within the platform. As of 2023, they offer an option to purchase 115 credits for $15 per month. This pricing structure provides users with a cost-effective way to use DALL-E's advanced image generation capabilities.

In addition to the credit-based system at labs.openai.com, OpenAI offers a subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus. Priced at $20 per month, this comprehensive package not only provides access to DALL-E's image generation capabilities but also includes the powerful GPT text model. As of 2023, subscribers can enjoy both text and image generation features under one subscription.

For developers looking to integrate DALL-E directly into their applications, OpenAI offers a flexible pricing structure based on image resolution. The developer pricing for image models is as follows:

  • 1024x1024 resolution: $0.020 per image
  • 512x512 resolution: $0.018 per image
  • 256x256 resolution: $0.016 per image

Are pictures on DALL-E copyrighted?

Navigating the copyright landscape of images generated by DALL-E can be a bit tricky. Since AI-generated content straddles the line between human creativity and machine output, traditional copyright laws may not always apply in a straightforward manner.

As it stands, most jurisdictions require some level of human input for works to be eligible for copyright protection. With AI-generated images like those produced by DALL-E, this criterion becomes murky. While creators using DALL-E might argue that their textual prompts constitute creative input warranting protection, legal systems are still grappling with how to handle such cases.

In short, determining whether pictures created using DALL-E are copyrighted is an evolving area within intellectual property law. As technology advances and AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, we can expect ongoing discussions around adapting existing regulations or developing new ones tailored specifically to address these emerging challenges.

Alpine lake at sunrise with a family of deer, captured by a photographer. Image generated via DALL-E.

Do I own my DALL-E pictures?

Ownership of images generated by DALL-E is an essential consideration for users who want to leverage this AI-powered image generator. The good news is that, subject to OpenAI's Content Policy and Terms, you do own the images you create with DALL-E. This ownership extends across various usage rights.

Whether you've used free or paid credits to generate your masterpiece, as long as it adheres to OpenAI's guidelines and policies, you have the right to reprint, sell, and merchandise your creation. This flexibility empowers creators like yourself in harnessing DALL-E's astounding capabilities while retaining control over their work.

In summary, as long as you’re using DALL-E within the boundaries set by OpenAI’s Content Policy and Terms of Service agreement, you can claim ownership of your unique generated visuals.

Is Midjourney better than DALL-E?

When comparing DALL-E and Midjourney, it's essential to consider their individual strengths and areas of focus. DALL-E, with its advanced features like diffusion models and language understanding capabilities, excels at generating accurate images based on textual input. However, there might be instances where the visual appeal isn't quite up to par for some users' preferences.

On the flip side, Midjourney has a reputation for creating visually captivating images that showcase versatility and imagination. This platform caters to those who prioritize aesthetics in their image generation process while still maintaining a level of uniqueness in each output.

In conclusion, both DALL-E and Midjourney offer distinct advantages when it comes to AI-generated imagery. Choosing between them ultimately depends on your specific needs — whether you're looking for technical accuracy or eye-catching visuals as your primary goal. By considering these factors alongside their features such as art styles or integration possibilities with existing workflows, you can make an informed decision about which tool best suits your creative endeavors.

Is DALL-E included in ChatGPT Plus?

That's right! For ChatGPT Plus users, DALL-E is indeed included as part of their subscription. This means that subscribers can enjoy both text and image generation features under one comprehensive plan — without any extra credit payments for using DALL-E.

One of the significant advantages of having DALL-E included in ChatGPT Plus is the user-friendly interface that allows for seamless interaction and continuous iteration. The combination of text generation capabilities with image editing features creates a powerful synergy within the platform. Users can experiment with different ideas and concepts while receiving real-time feedback from both textual input and visual output perspectives.

How do I make an AI image of myself?

Creating an AI-generated image of yourself using DALL-E involves providing a textual input that accurately describes your appearance or desired visual concept. The key is to craft a prompt that captures essential details, such as facial features, hair color and style, clothing preferences, and any other unique characteristics you'd like the AI to incorporate into the generated image.

Once you have crafted a detailed text description for DALL-E's input, submit it through the platform where you access this powerful AI tool. DALL-E will then process your prompt using its advanced language understanding capabilities combined with diffusion models to generate an original image based on your specifications. 

Keep in mind that multiple iterations might be necessary before achieving the desired outcome. Refine your prompts accordingly and request multiple variations every time you submit a new prompt.

Creativity in motion, captured in a tranquil art studio where the sun's rays illuminate the creative process of an artist at work. Image generated via DALL-E.

Is DALL-E safe to use?

When considering the safety of using DALL-E, it's essential to focus on two main aspects: data privacy and content generation. OpenAI has implemented measures to ensure that user data is protected when interacting with their AI tools, including DALL-E. By adhering to strict security protocols and guidelines, they aim to create a safe environment for users while generating images.

As for content generation, DALL-E's safety depends on how responsibly it is used by individuals or organizations. While this powerful AI tool can create visually stunning images based on textual input alone, there are potential risks if misused — such as generating inappropriate or harmful visuals. OpenAI has established Content Policy guidelines that outline acceptable usage practices in an effort to mitigate these concerns.

In conclusion, DALL-E can be considered safe when used responsibly within the boundaries set by OpenAI’s Content Policy and Terms of Service agreement. As long as you follow these rules and maintain awareness of potential pitfalls related not only visual quality but also factors like ethical implications or legal compliance issues surrounding generated content — you'll find that using DALL-E offers a secure way of tapping into its impressive image creation capabilities.

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