"Uncover AI-Generated Content"
GPTZero lets you find AI-generated content and mask it from AI detectors. Finds all major AI writers + app integrations + Chrome extension. Clean up your content.
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is an AI-generated content detector, where you can flag AI content that was generated in all major AI writing tools.
Our Verdict — Best Multi-Model AI Detector
The Best Part:
No registration needed. You can get started using GPTZero from the get go — without even having to register or login.
The Worst Part:
No history of past scans. Your previously scanned texts aren’t saved for you to get back to, in the future.
Get it if you want the power to detect AI content that’s been generated with all of the major AI writers.
(free plan)
Best For
GPTZero is best for anyone who needs to clean up their AI generated content to avoid getting caught by AI content detectors.
Top Features
Chrome extension. Detect AI content while browsing the web — including your Google Docs, emails, online posts, and such.
Free from plagiarism. GPTZero comes with a plagiarism checker, for you to ensure your content is 100% original and not flagged as written by artificial intelligence.
Easy integration. GPTZero integrates with Microsoft Word, Blackboard, Canvas and other classroom applications.
Risk-free trial. With GPTZero’s free plan, you can scan pieces of content of up to 5,000 words, with 10,000 free words per month.
Supports many AI models. GPTZero comes with a multi-model AI detection, and it’s trained with all the major AI’s like ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, and more.
What do customers love about GPTZero?
- Quick and easy checking for AI-generated content
- Its high accuracy rate distinguishing between human content and AI-generated data
- Easily identifying AI-generated text with accurate AI content detection
- The possibility of adoption in education departments for finding AI-generated student work
- Using deep learning methodology for better AI hallucination detection
- Its advanced algorithms for searching content for plagiarism
- Making sure they clean up their writing process down to the sentence level
- Boost their content marketing efforts by writing more in less time
The Bottom Line
GPTZero lets you:
- Run quick and easy AI-generated content detection.
- Find content created with all major current AI models.
- Make sure you only publish plagiarism-free, original content.