"Your Personal Grammar Guru"

ProWritingAid helps you write better by being your personal writing coach 24/7. Real-time grammar checking for your writing + readability + style. Your content written like a professor.
What is ProWritingAid?
ProWritingAid is an AI grammar checker where you can improve your grammar, perfect your writing style, and check for plagiarism.
Our Verdict — Best Grammar Checker
Price: Starts at $30/month

The Best Part:
- It’s your writing coach. On top of catching your grammar errors, ProWritingAid also visually shows you how much you've grown as a writer over time.
The Worst Part:
- Plagiarism checks cost extra. ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker is an add-on product that you have to pay on top of your subscription.
Get it if you want a real-time AI grammar checker to polish and improve your writing.
I recommend you get started with the Free plan, then upgrade to the Yearly Premium plan for $120/year.
(14-day money-back guarantee)
Best For
ProWritingAid is best for writers, students, and authors who want to catch their mistakes as they're writing, in real-time.
Top Features
- Your writing in numbers. ProWritingAid digs deep into your writing, generating analytics for strengths and weaknesses that even the most seasoned editors might overlook.
- Everywhere you go. Whether you're writing on your browser, Windows, or Mac, ProWritingAid will be there to help you.
- Buh-bye clichés. ProWritingAid identifies overused phrases and repetitive language in your writing, suggesting alternatives that make for a better read.
- Maintains uniformity. Spelling inconsistencies? Punctuation problems? Inconsistent capitalization? Not under ProWritingAid's watch!
- Genre-specific checking. What sets ProWritingAid apart is its ability to tailor advice to the specific genre or type of writing you're working on — be it academic, formal, or informal.
What do customers love about ProWritingAid?
- Available as a Google Docs add-on and a browser extension for seamless integration
- Offers a premium version with extended capabilities
- Serves as a writing mentor with a style editor to improve your writing style
- Excellent at catching grammatical errors, grammar mistakes, and even sticky writing
- Provides tools like Sticky Sentences checker for strengthening sentence structure
- Incorporates spelling checkers to catch spelling mistakes and spelling errors
- Great for both professional writers and fiction writers looking for a human editor touch
- Works well on a mobile device, giving you editing power on the go
- Comes with robust reporting features, including Writing analysis reports
- Offers Document type-specific suggestions to cater to academic papers or creative pieces
- Has premium plans with real-time editing and detailed reports for a more professional edit
- You can get a lifetime subscription, lifetime license, or even a lifetime deal with flexible pricing options
- Editing tool comes with style suggestions and awkward sentences checker for strong writing
- Has an English language grammar guru to catch primary grammar mistakes and grammar errors
- The left corner of the tool displays real-time grammar and smart grammar checker functions
- Can be an automatic tool for your writing phase, saving editor time
- Helps identify common writing mistakes, sentence lengths, and frequent sentence structure issues
- Caters to a range of writers, including marketing writers, long-form writers, and blog writers
- Extensive customization options to suit your writing preferences and writing capability
- Comes with a review process and an official editing phase for your entire book or entire document
- Great for long-term fiction writing with its comprehensive grammar and top-notch spelling features
The Bottom Line
ProWritingAid lets you:
- Elevate your writing with top-notch grammar, spelling, and style checkers.
- Customize the tool to fit your needs, from academic papers to long-form creative writing.
- Enjoy seamless integration and robust features.
You can get started with a 14-day money-back guarantee.